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News Training

RELEASE – Airport Police Conducting Emergency Response Exercises

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(RENO, NV) – Reno-Tahoe International Airport Police (RNO APD) have scheduled annual active shooter training this week and next in the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority (RTAA) administrative offices.

Who:       RNO APD

What:      Training Exercises

Where: RTAA Administrative Offices

When:    June 17 & 18 and June 24 & 25

                5:30 – 9:30 p.m.

The training is designed to help keep airport police skills well-honed for the safety of our customers and stakeholders and will focus on the first response to an active shooter incident.

Noise from the training may be heard in the terminal and police presence will be visible.

We bring this to your attention in case someone reports unusual activity or radio traffic at the airport.  No operational delays or impact to the traveling public are expected.


The Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority receives no state or local funding. All operating revenues are derived from tenant and concession fees. The Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO) is the 66th busiest commercial airport in the United States, with more than 4.45 million passengers per year. For more details, visit

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