Employee Parking
The Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority is committed to providing the safest and most effective parking options to our airport employees, tenants and crew members, while supporting the needs of passengers. Employee lots are well lit and patrolled by airport police. Please report any concerns to your supervisor.
Hours of Operation
Parking lots are open and available 24/7 and accessible on holidays.
Employee Parking Lots
RNO’s public parking facilities are experiencing unprecedented demand and to accommodate the traveling public, the Yellow and Blue employee parking lots have been converted to public parking for the foreseeable future.
The Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority constructed the new Purple employee lot to ensure all tenant and airline employees have a permanent and safe place to park.
Upgraded Features
- Improved security features
- Emergency call stations
- 24/7 Shuttle Service in 10-20 minute intervals
- Shuttle structure and call button
- Sidewalk from the lot to the terminal
We offer the BusWhere shuttle tracking service:
Download BusWhere for Shuttles in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and Enter code: RENOAIRPORT or visit buswhere.com/renoairport
You will be able to see the location of the shuttle bus on a map in real-time and view ETAs for any stop along the route.
Latest Updates
No current updates at this time.
- Phase two of construction was completed in Fall 2023.
- Air Cargo route for shuttles was discontinued in August 2023.
- Phase one was completed in November 2022.
Here to Answer Your Questions
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. The Landside Operations team will send out updates as they are available. Please reach out to your supervisor with additional questions or contact Landside Operations at (775) 328-6551.
Employees & Tenants
Parking applications are by appointment only. Download the Prox Card Application Form before your appointment. After your scheduled appointment, complete the Application Form and have it signed by an authorized manager from your company. Present the signed form at the Parking Office located next to the Parking Exit Plaza to establish your parking account.
Crew Members
Crew Member Parking has a waitlist. Please contact Landside Operations to be put on the waitlist or for updated parking maps and pricing, call (775) 328-6566 or email gt@renoairport.com.
Tier 1 Crew Member parking is $100 per month
Tier 2 Crew Member parking is $50 per month
Employee Parking Frequently Asked Questions
What identification documents do I need to bring to my appointment for a parking Prox Card?
A completed and signed Prox Card application and a valid driver’s license.
Can I register more than one vehicle on my account?
Yes, you may register up to four vehicles but only one is allowed in the lot at a time.
What if I lost my parking Prox Card?
Lost, stolen or damaged parking cards must be reported in person to Landside Operations immediately, call (775) 328-6566 or email gt@renoairport.com. Replacement cost for lost, stolen, damaged or unreturned Prox cards is $25.00. Replacement fee must be paid at the time a new card is issued at the parking office. No refunds/credits will be provided for Prox Cards returned after 30 days from date of replacement or last day of employment.
I no longer work at the airport, what do I do with my parking Prox Card?
You may return your airport issued Prox Card to your employer or the parking office in person or by mail.
I left my Prox Card at home, what do I do?
Landside Operations asks that you bring your prox card to work every day, but we understand there are sometimes extenuating circumstances. When you arrive at the entrance gate to the employee lot without your prox card, press the intercom button for assistance.
Someone broke into/ vandalized/ ran into my vehicle, what do I do?
Please call Airport Communications immediately at (775) 328-6600.
Do I have an option to park in the Airport Parking Garage?
You may park in the public parking lots but you will be charged the prevailing rate in that lot.
Do you have ADA Accessible employee parking?
Alternate arrangements will be made for any employee requiring ADA accessible parking. A DMV issued Authorization Letter must be presented to substantiate handicapped license plates and/or placards.
What if I ride a motorcycle or bicycle?
Gates will not open for alternate forms of transportation like motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles due to their smaller size, even with a Prox Card. Access is through the far right lane of the garage entrance marked short-term parking.
Motorcycles and mopeds may park for free inside the parking garage in the designated motorcycle parking area.
Designated motorcycle parking lanes are located near the entrance of the parking garage (southwest corner of the garage on the first-floor only).
Bicycle racks are available in two locations: On the first floor of the parking garage, in the southwest corner near Motorcycle Parking, and just outside of Door D at the north end of Baggage Claim.