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Permits and Guidelines at RNO

Ground Transportation Operators

The Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority (RTAA) collaborates with many service providers, helping travelers to and from RNO get where they need to be, with the amenities they need to create the most positive travel experience possible. Ground Transportation Operators can find more information below on how to operate at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport.

Taxi Operators


Resources for Taxi Operators to continue providing quality service to passengers to and from RNO.

Taxi Operator Numbers


Taxi Complaint Forms may be filled out and submitted to

Taxi Complaint form


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Authorization Processes

Ground Transportation Providers interested in helping us connect airport customers with efficient ground transportation can find more information here on gaining authorization as a permanent vendor.

Review Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations

For Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations Click Here.
For Airport Taxi Operators – Transportation Policies and Procedures Click Here.

Required Permitting Timeline

Begins 7/1/2024
Ends 6/30/2025
All operators requiring access to the Airport in order to conduct ground transportation pickup activities and/or operating an Off-Airport Parking Operation, must complete and return the Permit Application and related documents each year no later than July 1 for the Fiscal Year July 1 thru June 30.

Annual Permit Fee

The annual permit fee is a vehicle registration fee of $25.00 plus $5.00 for each vehicle over five vehicles to a maximum of $200.00. These fees may be paid by check or credit card with the Landside Operations Administrative Assistant or the RTAA Accounting department.

One-Time Ground Transportation Permit

All operators requiring access to the Airport in order to conduct ground transportation pickup activities for a single pick-up or single day of pick-ups may request a One-Time GT permit. One-Time GT permits are not available to current or suspended GT permit holders.

The One-Time GT permit fee is $25.00. This fee must be paid before the scheduled pick-up.

The $25.00 One-Time GT permit fee will be assessed for each pick-up. This fee can be paid with cash, credit card.

Please contact Landside Operations at (775) 328-6566 or email for more details or to request a One-Time GT permit.


We have implemented an online appointment service to facilitate this new requirement. If a vehicle operating with your company needs a new transponder or you need a replacement, please schedule an appointment for a Landside Transponder Installation.

Transponder Installations are by online appointment only.

If you have any other parking or Ground Transportation needs (i.e. update company info, GT fees etc.), please call Landside Operations at (775) 328-6566 or email

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Two women and child unloading luggage from car.