Airport Plans
What Are Airport Plans?
Airport plans are an opportunity for airport owners to comprehensively review the condition of existing facilities with regulating agencies, airport users, and the public balanced with the anticipated demand for services.
The final document focuses on development plans over the next 20 years to meet future aviation demands by assessing future trends to see what long-term facilities and land are necessary to reach development goals. The plan is a flexible, living document that addresses anticipated demands and accommodates necessary improvements to preserve the vitality of air transportation for the Reno-Tahoe community for years to come.
RNO Current & Future Plans
Strategic Plan – RTAA
The Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority (RTAA) operates two of the most important economic drivers for our region–the Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO) and the Reno-Stead (RTS) Airport. Together, they generate $3.1 billion in economic impact on the region, bringing travelers to and from our casinos, ski resorts and businesses. From passenger service and cargo to the National Guard and general aviation, the RTAA is committed to providing our region with the highest level of facilities and services while maintaining our our airports as continued catalysts for regional growth.
To help guide the future of the RTAA, the Board of Trustees approved a five-year guide, with the flexibility and forethought to guide the Trustees and staff through our ever-changing aviation industry. This Strategic Plan was created through a public process that invited participation from airport committees, user groups, the board, RNO and RTS staff, and the general public.
Master Plans – RNO and RTS Airports
Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO) Master Plan provides a roadmap for the future of RNO and addresses airport growth, aviation industry changes, and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards for the next 20 years. RTAA launched a comprehensive update of the Airport Master Plan in October 2016. The Master Plan was updated using FAA Airport Improvement Program grant funding and complies with all applicable FAA requirements. As required, the aviation forecasts were approved by the FAA in May of 2017. The RTAA Board of Trustees approved the preferred alternative development plan in December 2017 and adopted the full Master Plan in June 2018, pending acceptance by the FAA. The FAA accepted the Master Plan in January 2019.
Learn More About RNO’s Master Plan
The Reno-Stead Airport (RTS) Master Plan provides an effective written and graphical representation of the ultimate development of the RTS and the anticipated land uses and development opportunities on RTS. It is the intent of the Master Plan to serve as a management guide for the phased implementation of necessary improvements to meet the expected growth in aviation demand at RTS over a planning period of 20 years, ending in 2028.
Regional Plan Goals & Policies – RNO and RTS Airports
The Regional Plan Goals & Policies of the Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO) provides an overview of the nature of the operations and characteristics of RNO, forecasts future passenger, cargo and operations demands, plans facility improvements to accommodate projected demand, and defines a framework for future land uses on the airport property. Pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 278.026, the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority (RTAA) is a designated affected entity as a provider of public facilities related to transportation, and in accordance with NRS 278.028, this document was found to be in conformance with the 2019 Truckee Meadows Regional Plan on May 28, 2020 by the Regional Planning Commission.
Download RNO Regional Plan Goals and Policies
Similar to the Regional Plan Goals & Policies of RNO, the Reno-Stead Airport (RTS) provides an overview of the nature of the operations and characteristics of the RTS, forecasts future based aircraft and operations demands, plans facility improvements to accommodate projected demand, and defines a framework for future land uses on the airport property. Pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 278.026, the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority (RTAA) is a designated affected entity as a provider of public facilities related to transportation, and in accordance with NRS 278.028, this document was found to be in conformance with the 2019 Truckee Meadows Regional Plan on May 28, 2020 by the Regional Planning Commission.
Land Use Plan – RNO
The Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO) Land Use Plan provides a basis for future development while also preserving adequate land for existing and future airport operations and facilities. All land owned by the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority in proximity to the Reno-Tahoe International Airport is identified in the RNO Land Use Plan. The RNO Land Use Plan was adopted on July 14, 2016.
Airport Competition Plan (Gate Utilization) – RNO
The Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO) is required to submit a Competition Plan under AIR 21 (The Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act, Section 155). The underlying purpose of the Competition Plan is for the covered airport to demonstrate how it will provide for access to the airport for new airline entrants and expansion of service by incumbent carriers.
Safety & Emergency Assets (Tarmac Delay Plan) – RNO
Reno-Tahoe International Airport has an Operations and Public Safety Department including police/security and aircraft rescue and firefighting sections to provide 24/7 public safety and security. Emergency management is coordinated through the airport’s Emergency Operations Center with state-of-the-art technology including web based emergency management software. In addition, incident command is coordinated utilizing a self contained mobile Incident Command Vehicle with voice, data and video relays to the Emergency Operations Center. Airport Police have Transportation Security Administration (TSA) trained canine teams to meet continuing security challenges.
Public Art Master Plan – RTAA
The RTAA Public Art Master Plan (Plan) is meant to give strategic direction on procedures, policies, and partners needed for the successful implementation of an airport art program that recognizes the importance of art and cultural expression.
Download the Public Art Master Plan

The Future of RNO is More. #MoreRNO
Over the next several years, the Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO) will transform the way you travel with a multi-year construction program.
Learn About MoreRNO