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General Aviation Airport

About Reno-Stead Airport

Airfield Information

The Future of RTS


Located approximately 15 miles north of Reno, Reno-Stead Airport (RTS) is working to develop itself as a major economic hub in the north valley, including an airport business park ideal for aerospace, advanced manufacturing and logistics. The airport business park has been identified as a future regional jobs center by the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency and represents 60% of vacant industrial land in the City of Reno and 37% of vacant industrial land in Washoe County.

Freedom Flight Terminal


The Reno-Stead Airport Freedom Flight Terminal is dedicated to the airport’s history and the nation’s veterans who have served in the armed forces. The terminal, opened in 2013, serves the general aviation community. The two-story, 12,000 sqft building provides an Emergency Operations Center, administrative office, community conference room, and a Pilot’s Lounge. Recent improvements include a new Air Tanker Fire Fighting Facility opened by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as well as 9,000 feet of new runway, pavement and upgrades to runway lighting.

Click for information on using the Community Room at the Reno-Stead Airport Terminal.

UAS and Drones

FAA Designated Test Site


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) named the state of Nevada as one of six Unmanned Autonomous Systems (UAS) designated test sites, and the Reno-Stead Airport was identified as a testing range by the Nevada Institute for Autonomous Systems (NIAS). UAS, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) or drones, are used by the military, government, businesses, farmers and others who are expanding drone programs, like the University of Nevada, Reno.

Environmental Initiatives

Stead Solvent Site


The Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority is leading proactive environmental initiatives and remediation techniques for what is known as the Stead Solvent Site.

Learn More

Arts at the Airport


Arts at the Airport Reno-Stead will continue to showcase the heart of aviation and historical themes while promoting more art at the general aviation airport.

About Arts at the Airport

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