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Reno-Tahoe International Airport Gate Utilization

Airport Competition Plan

The Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act, Section 155 (“AIR 21”), requires the submission of a Competition Plan by certain large and medium hub airports (“covered airports”) as a condition for subsequent issuance of an Airport Improvement Program (“AIP”) grant or authorization to impose a new passenger facility charge (“PFC”). Competition Plan requirements are contained in 49 USC, Section 47106(f). The underlying purpose of the Competition Plan is for the covered airport to demonstrate how it will provide for access to the airport for new airline entrants and expansion of service by incumbent carriers.

The Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO) is owned and operated by the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority. The requirement for a Competition Plan applies to medium or large hub airports at which one or two carriers control more than 50% of enplaned passengers. At RNO, the two airlines with the largest share of enplaned passengers for the twelve-month period ended June 30, 2021, accounted for 57% of enplaned passengers (Southwest 37% and American Airlines 20%). Thus, RNO remains required to submit a Competition Plan under AIR 21. Below is the most current Competition Plan Update for RNO.

2022 Competition Plan Update
Airline Gate Availability – August 2023

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